How to make bulletproof vest in Little Alchemy

How To Make Bulletproof Vest In Little Alchemy?

Here are the way(s) to make Bulletproof Vest in Little Alchemy

  • 1. armor + bullet

Step By Step Guide to make Bulletproof Vest in Little Alchemy

  • 1. earth + air = dust
  • 2. fire + dust = gunpowder
  • 3. earth + fire = lava
  • 4. lava + air = stone
  • 5. fire + stone = metal
  • 6. metal + gunpowder = bullet
  • 7. earth + water = mud
  • 8. air + water = rain
  • 9. rain + earth = plant
  • 10. plant + mud = swamp
  • 11. fire + air = energy
  • 12. swamp + energy = life
  • 13. earth + life = human
  • 14. metal + human = tool
  • 15. 2x air = pressure
  • 16. plant + pressure = coal
  • 17. metal + coal = steel
  • 18. steel + tool = armor
  • 19. armor + bullet = bulletproof vest