How to make forest in Little Alchemy

How To Make Forest In Little Alchemy?

Here are the way(s) to make Forest in Little Alchemy

  • 1. 2x tree

Brainstorming of how to make Forest

What is a forest,  Lots of trees. The tree came from a plant. And plants become trees when time passes. So in Little Alchemy we also need time, ancient time watches are made of glass and sand. So we also need glass which is made of sand and fire. So sand came from wind and stone.  Same way stone came from Lava and air. Lava came from Earth and fire. The wind comes from air and energy. Energy comes from fire and air.  now back to plant, without rain and earth plant cant grow. And rain is made with air and water. Walla.


Step By Step Guide to make Forest in Little Alchemy

  • 1. air + water = rain
  • 2. rain + earth = plant
  • 3. fire + air = energy
  • 4. air + energy = wind
  • 5. earth + fire = lava
  • 6. lava + air = stone
  • 7. wind + stone = sand
  • 8. sand + fire = glass
  • 9. sand + glass = time
  • 10. plant + time = tree
  • 11. 2x tree = forest